- 05/19 - 01/24 Contractor at Credit Suisse
- Senior Quantitative Python Developer
- 02/19 - 04/19 Avelon Cetex AG
- Senior Linux C++ Developer for Embedded Systems
- 06/13 - 01/19 PPro Ltd
- Senior Software Developer/Senior BI Developer
- 10/12 - 05/13 Adfinis Sygroup AG
- Senior Software Developer
- 09/09 - 07/12 SIX Telekurs Ltd
- Senior Software Developer
- 11/07 - 11/08 Netzathleten GmbH
- Software Developer
- 04/06 - 06/16 actSoft GmbH; later okunah GmbH
- Founder and CEO
- 09/04 - 09/09 GmbH
- Lead Developer/DevOps
- 08/03 - 02/04 albsys GmbH
- Lead Developer
- 08/02 - 04/03 Kratzer Automation AG
- Software Developer
- 01/02 - 07/02 ComROAD AG
- Software Developer
- 01/00 - 12/01 Met@box AG/Met@TV AG
- Team Lead
- 01/98 - 06/99 Schwäbische Zeitung Online
- Student Assistant
- 10/94 - 09/97 various positions as student assistant
- DETA Akkumulatorenwerke
- Institute of Mine Surveying at TU-Clausthal
- Institute of Mechanical Engineering at TU-Clausthal
- since 06/24 Harward University profesional program
- Artificial Intelligence with Python
- 10/97 - 12/99 University Ulm
- Student of Mathematics and Computer Science
- 10/95 - 09/97 Clausthal University of Technology
- Student of Mathematics and Computer Science
- 07/94 Rudolf-Diesel-Gymnasium Augsburg
- University Entrance Diploma